Sunday, July 22, 2012

On the Road Again

Day 5 July 21, 2012 We had our baggage outside our room at 6:30 am and we were on a bus at 7:30am. The bus ride to Luxembourg was three hours long. We made a stop at a roadside rest area that had food and drinks. Luxembourg is a lovely old European city/country. It lies strategically between France and Germany. It poured rain while we were there so we walked around and got drenched. Our tour guide, George, was very knowledgable and gave us a very good although wet tour. I did bring a rain poncho but it was in my suitcase under the bus. We drove from the center of Luxembourg to the American cemetery where George Patton is buried. Most of the people buried there fought and died in the Battle of the Bulge. There were thousands of crosses and mixed in were some stars of David. All but one person buried there are men. There is one woman who was a nurse who died in a car crash after the battle. From Luxembourg we took a short 30 minute drive to Trier, Germany where we boarded our boat, the Viking Sky. It is a long boat that is only three levels high. There are 144 people on board and they are all very friendly. Our cabin is on the lowest level and there are only stairs to get to it. My poor knees are really not happy. We do have a nice window. We had a lovely dinner complete with complimentary wine. At every meal we can have wine or beer. There was some entertainment after dinner that was so bad we chose to return to our cabin and turn in early.

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