Friday, July 20, 2012

Day 4 July 20, 2012

This was museum day. We had a nice breakfast at the hotel and then headed out with Rick and Sandi to see the Louvre. We took the Metro. The Louvre is an amazing place. It is huge. It would take at least 4 days to see everything. I was glad that I had downloded Rick Steve's audio guide of the Louvre. I saw the Venus DeMilo, the crown jewels, the Mona Lisa and much more. Unfotunately, I had to share all of these sites with at least 5,000 of my nearest and dearest friends. The place was packed. After over 2 and a half hours I had seen all I needed to for my first visit. On our way to the Orsay I young woman who was holding a child stopped me and handed me a man's gold wedding band that she said she just found. I told her it was not mine and she said that it was not hers and insisted that I take it. She then asked me for money to buy a Coke for her child. I gave her some change and she kept asking for more. I finally convinced her that I didn't have anymore. I am pretty sure this was some sort of scam but I am not sure what the point was. Where did she get the ring and what was in it for her to give it to me? I guess this will be one of the mysteries of the trip. We had a nice lunch at the Louvre in the Carousel food court. Rick and Sandi left to go to the Jewish Museum and Mark and I headed out to the Orsay. This is a museum devoted mainly to French Impressionist art. Since I love the Impressionists I was in heaven. I was only sad that Whister's Mother was not there. Mark and I took a bus back to the hotel. I got off at the hotel and Mark went on to explore modern Paris. He got some great photos. I had a bite of some sort on my thigh and it had become infected so I walked to the pharmacy to get some medicine. I spoke with a very nice young man pharmacist who gave me two creams to apply at 3 hour intervals. He told me that 12 people had been killed by a gunman in Denver. I am so sad about this. We went for dinner at a restaurant not far from the hotel that served crepes. Had more food than we could eat and it was delicious. We all fell in love with our charming waitress who is studying to be a lawyer. Early to bed as we have to have out luggage outside the room by 6:30 am and we will board our bus to go to Luxembourg and Trier tomorrow. We will board our ship late in the afternoon.

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