Friday, August 3, 2012

Some Final Thoughts

This was an amazing trip.  I was very impressed with how amazing the Viking staff was and how excellent the customer service was.  The food on the ship was wonderful.  They really went out of their way to accommodate Mark's food allergies.

I was impressed by how devastating the second world war was on Europe.  The bombings destroyed much of the historic buildings.  Although there has been a concerted effort to rebuild as close to the originals it is a shame to have lost so much history.  It was very evident that whole communities of Jewish people were decimated.   It was very common to come to a street called Judenstrasse (Jewish Street) and find that there was nothing Jewish about it today.  There were no Temples, shops, mikvas or any other evidence that Jews had lived and thrived there.

I had really wanted to go through the Panama Canal but since going through 50 locks on this trip I don't think I need to go through another one!!!

I love traveling with Rick and Sandi.  They are lots of fun and add a lot if information and knowledge to the trip.

If anyone wants to go on a Viking cruise please let me know as I have some $100 coupons.

By the way, Mark took the gold ring we were given in Paris to a jeweler and it is a fake...what a scam!!!  But I do feel much better that I did not take something that was of value to someone else.

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